tirsdag 11. mai 2010

The Most Generous Person in the World...

...Is the Slut.

The Slut is the most generous person in the world. They give you far more sensation than your own body could produce on its own, and for free! Sure, they may be getting something in return- if you’re any good that is- but they offer it without any hesitation. With this in mind, the Slut should be an icon in the spiritual world.

It is no wonder why the most devoted Christians are usually the most promiscuous- it is a virtue, a “twisted” view of generosity confused with their own desires. They are imitating the God given role that the mother and father of all humans was charged with- to be fruitful and multiply. It just so happens that now instead of multiplying our species (though most of them are) they are multiplying the good nature that comes with a good orgasm. We of course all know that Sluts, for practice makes perfect in most cases, are very good in bed.

They are always picked for conversation in a social gathering (though just about everyone will deny that this is the reason), they are always charming, polite, and fair; for it is in their nature to be giving. They make the men Gods to other men, and the women feel better about themselves for being so classy (classy is just a synonym for boring); classy and gods can be exchanged depending on the gender and their orientation of course

The Slut is also always the best looking, always making sure for wherever surroundings they grace, they looks to the top aesthetic of the arena they’re in. It may not be the top fashion, but goddamn if they’re not the best looking, or at least the most alluring of all the other people.

The old adage “no good deed goes unpunished” also fits very well with the Slut. Always mocked and ridiculed, they have had a scarlet “A” indented on their forehead and arm. Generously giving their most intimate embrace and are alienated for it. They are the truly meek, always the down trotted. I’m sure they have the best looking crowns in heaven; in the old testament days they were stoned to death, true martyrs. Also, it would be well to note that the Slut is very ego-strong, no matter how much they are beaten down they go on with their natural mission- to please anyone that offers or they accept into their loins. Truly courageous people to face adversity every day with every breath, they proclaim: “you will not get me down! I will do who I wish!”

The Slut truly is the most generous person in the world, they never stop giving, and they even give things given to them from other people, diseases. They give their most intimate parts of themselves, they give their energy, their passions, their lust and love, they share secrets of their bedroom desires, and they never stop, they never stop giving what has been given, never stop offering themselves up to the rest of the world with their motto planted firmly upon their lips since the day God sent them down from Heaven: “Take what you wish, I am all to give and be given...”