søndag 23. november 2008

Sexual Attraction or Sensual Attraction?

The kind of people who ask the typical standard question: How can you love if you are Asexual? Are problaby the kind of people who watch when the stewardess is demonstrating how the seatbelt is working on airplanes.
Dont get me wrong. I have no intention of being disrespectful, however it seems to me as rather naive, or perhaps short sighted to think that love and sex are inseperable if not even the one and the same thing.

Why should love and sex be the one and same thing? I believe it is a common misconception, however a fairly understandable one.
Just simply have a look at how love, and thereby sex is potrayed in the media, it certainly seems to be inseperable parts, now doesnt it?
The typical "hero" who has lived hes live in solitude and therefore unhappines finally finds hes true love, have sex with her and therefore is able to live happily ever after.
And certainly that must be the recipee for a happy life, at least if we are to believe what we constantly are being told.

Not only is this misconception feeding the idea of Asexuals not being able to feel or experience love, but it is also giving the impression of Asexuals being less happier then any other sexual person.
However the truth is, even though we are not able to experience any sexual attraction, we are still able to experience sensual attraction.
And even though we dont have the same sexual need as anyone else, we still do have the very same emotional need as anyone else.

And truly, isnt that what love really is? The desire to be with that certain someone, no matter if you would get laid or not, to be there in good days and bad days, no matter what.

onsdag 19. november 2008

An algebraic view on miss teen south Carolina.

First of all. shes incredibly stupid.

Second, she makes me embaressed for being into this stupid generation.


If she realized how idiotic her words were as they came out of her mouth, she would have stopped talking.
At least that's what I would have done. I would not have proceeded to go off on an ever increasingly ridiculous tangent eventually reaching a point of infinite stupidity and finally concluded as if the answer were completely comprehensible and as if I didn't just throw a bunch of psychobabble bullshit poorly together in a rush for the miss teen USA crown that I would no doubt use as a tool to be even more popular in school.

Let's create an algebraic function for a second.

t will represent the remaining time she had for her answer and y will represent the stupidity of her argument. y will be the dependent variable and t will be the independent variable. y(t) = 1/(t^2)

Now, the limit of y(t) as t approaches zero is infinite.
What this means in lay terms is as the amount of time she has remaining for her answer gets closer and closer to zero, the stupidity of her argument gets larger and larger, increasing without bound toward infinite.