tirsdag 10. mars 2009

Natural obediance.

The herd is a strange phenomenon, it draws us in with promises of an easy life, there is a reason for this of course. We have evolved to rely on the herd because it was at some point natural for all humans to hunt and think together and we survived and thrived because of the co-operation involved with it.

Then something happened, we became top of the food chain and we no longer needed so much co-operation. This caused certain people to shun the herd and become self enforced outcasts.

I say "enforced" because I would argue it is not humans true nature to be apart from the herd, Satanists have come full circle in the cycle of evolution reverting to hunting alone for whatever their quarry may be. Becoming more than the herd can be and in many cases using the herd against itself!

But the pull of the herd in us is strong, we must be wary of its power to draw us into things we feel we "must" do. The right hand path has its "help your fellow man" and "good Samaritan" that talks to the natural desire in the herd to help others, and by proxy themselves. This is a powerful motivator to most people but its no longer necessary for us to survive as a race.

So are we unnatural to shun this obedience? Most of us had to learn to say "No!" to things we didn't want to do, as our parents encouraged us to be a part of the herd. Or is it likely we are a natural reaction to the society we are a part of in our own way. Perhaps the natural world has always needed a Satanist to be a part of it.

The greatest minds have always been Satanic, forcing their way past such herd constructions as God, making their own way of doing something new. Exploring avenues forbidden by others and paving the way for others to do the same.

So with this in mind, is it then quite natural for some to be disobedient! perhaps in the exact proportions that we find the herd to be numerous and Satanists to be few.

Our natural desires we where born with don't seem to be common to everyone, herd conformity must be quite a natural desire but with me it never was. In fact it was the opposite I desired, to be free of the herd.

Satanism is very natural to me, but not to most.

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