tirsdag 2. juni 2009

Pit Bulls.

I am incensed. Once again, I am privy to information concerning a pit bull that was euthanized because of repeated incidents of biting humans. As usual, the real culprit was his owner. The crime was abuse and neglect; but it was the dog that paid the price.

Again and again, pit bulls, and other breeds, are demonized due to the lack of responsibility of pet owners. Incidents range from nuisance calls because of barking dogs, to front-page news about scum…I mean “celebrities” who are involved in the illegal “sport” of dog fighting. As per usual, the legislative answer is to control, ban or outlaw the instrument of human ignorance rather than address the real issue…lack of responsibility on the part of the pet owner, or pseudo-enthusiast.

Every time a human commits to cohabitate with a non-human animal, there will be concessions that will need to be made. All too often, the only consideration is the whim, fad or impulse of the human…more often than not a juvenile. But compromises must be made in any inter-species relationship. If the pet is a fish, the owner must think like a fish, and insure the proper type of water and food. Owning a snake, I insist that anyone who handles him wash his or her hands to protect against the possibility of salmonella.

Dogs have very complex needs. In some ways, they are tailor made to be companions for humans. Dogs are social animals. They follow a natural stratification based on size and leadership ability. Dogs seek approval and affection.

What many people do not realize is that dogs MUST have a job. They evolved by being part of a team. As team players, each dog must have a well-defined purpose within the pack. A human dog owner is a member of its dog’s pack. If the owner does not train the dog to do its task, the dog is forced to define his or her role independently.

Dogs have complex emotions. A dog CANNOT thrive when spending many hours alone. This includes being chained up in the back yard. A lonely dog is a neurotic dog; and, behavioral problems are guaranteed.

Pit bulls make excellent pets for households with children. A healthy pit bull is friendly, gentle and sweet natured. They also have physiological and psychological characteristics that were bred into them to perform specific tasks. They have worked as animal control officers, keeping in check the rodent population on farms; and, as the name implies, they have been used to control bulls during handling. That is why pit bulls have strong jaw muscles (pit jaws do NOT lock); and, the ability to perform a task to completion, in the presence of pain. It is these characteristics that also make a pit bull a hazard if mistreated.

ANY breed of dog can become dangerous if treated inhumanely. There is nothing specific to the breed that makes them any more prone to violence that any other breed of dog. The fault lies squarely on the shoulders of owners who specifically seek out these dogs for various nefarious reasons.

There is a special place for non-human animals in the heart of Satanism. The reason is that they are natural magicians. As such, they deserve our respect. Part of respecting them is becoming educated on the needs of any animal before making the decision to cohabite with them. It is bad enough that many human animals are trained improperly…it is a crime when other animals are forced to stoop to our level.

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