mandag 10. august 2009

Cops are right.

"The police always harass us". This is a quote that speaks volumes. First, it identifies the person saying it as a criminal. Second, the person who would utter such a phrase is a weak individual and content in being a victim (slave). Third, the person who says this is stupid. Here is one of the many reasons why: By saying something like this, the person establishes himself as a bona fide criminal and by speaking like this he is further incriminating himself. Stay clear of someone who says the above quote. It is not good to associate yourself with stupid people.

Let us now look at a couple of real life examples of who the police always 'harass':

You see them everywhere. Usually it is teenagers (however, some people never go beyond this). Although it is scary, these people become adults. They wear pot leaves on their t-shirts, have pot leaf air fresheners, or have 4:20 bumper stickers. The fact is they are admitting they are breaking the law. Either that or they are just stupid posers. No less, the illogic is, "Weed should be legal man. It is going to happen any day. I'm fighting the good fight by wearing this". News flash: The marijuana legalization movement has been going on for many years. The reason for the most part it has been unsuccessful is because of these very types advertising their stupidity. There are above the board legalization movements. It is fine and good to work with them if this is something you believe in. However, you must always question: Are you a master or a slave? In other words look at the situation pragmatically. Do you like jail? Are you fine with being a martyr? The last one is important. The martyr is a slave who is being controlled by someone else. While you may feel strong that marijuana should be legal, the fact is that it is currently illegal in this country. Advertising that you do it almost assures you a ticket to jail. The police are not harassing you. They are doing their job. You are making it easier for them to bust you. You are stupid.

Second on our list are gang bangers. I don't know how else to say it: The color is the dead giveaway. I am not talking about skin color here. Gang bangers proudly sport their gang colors where ever they hang out. First, this is stupid on it's face value. It instantly tells the other gang to shoot your sorry ass and gets you a free trip to the morgue. Chances are you won't have a pleasant looking corpse. Next, the police are well aware of gang colors and hand signs. The fact is that your thumper bunny car rattles every window in sight (usually playing music that advocates criminal behaviors and lifestyles) announces your arrival. How idiotic. Gang bangers always whine about police harassment. Again, the fact that you are advertising that you are a criminal is what gets you busted. Gang bangers claim to hate cops. Yet by action they assist the police. This is not even a good criminal. The good ones don't get caught. Al Capone would roll over in his grave. Once I saw a picture of gang bangers. They were all behind bars throwing up their gang signs. I thought: 'How intelligent. A bunch of grown men who can make shapes with their fingers. They must have put on a really bad wall light show to wind up in jail.' What stupidity.

In the old days police had to get out the rubber hose to get people to fess up. These days outside of attire, criminals readily brag about their illegal activity to anyone who will lend an ear. There is no thought to who might be listening. Then, when they are busted they scratch their heads and wonder how they were found out.

If you are a criminal who likes jail time, fine and good. However, don't bring it to my door step. Don't expect sympathy from me. How dare you expect me to believe that police harass you! I am not a rube. You made your bed, now lie in it. As the old saying goes: 'Responsibility to the responsible.'

2 kommentarer:

  1. what the fuck...are you calling me stupid?!

    as a retired gang banger and pot smoker with my own automatic pot inhalator sponsored by the Norwegian social welfare system, and currently living a rather indecent life with my own private hooker here in Thailand ... I strongly object to this term...or do you consider it stupid having other people supporting your rotten and parasitic life...?


  2. You are to mixed up with your emotions, and as such reacts with anger rather then seeing the point in this essay.
