mandag 2. februar 2009

How to be a rock star!

Living in a house with other people often means that they may be watching television while you do other things. If there is one thing I like the least about the tube, it is reality shows. I will admit that there has been one exception: Gene Simmons: Family Jewels. I have noticed that there are qualities about him that I heartily approve of. In fact, if followed carefully, anyone can be a rock star…or just act like one…even if only in his or her mind. So, pay your tuition, buy your books and get on the bus. This is the Gene Simmons School of How to be a Rock Star: Minus Shannon Tweed. School's in session.

You may have noticed…Gene Simmons is butt ugly. Yet, he has successfully, if he is telling even half the truth, bedded thousands of women. He is now enjoying unwedded bliss with the queen of soft-core porn herself, Shannon Tweed. How does he do this? Easy…Gene Simmons knows that he is the sexiest thing on the planet. What happens when a butt ugly man truly believes that he is the sexiest thing on the planet? He becomes sexy. His opinion of himself is so strong and unquestioned, that he effects how everyone else sees him. Gentlemen, looks are not important. Self-confidence is. We quite literally project a view of ourselves that others see. If you really want to be irresistible, convince yourself first. If you can delude…I mean enlighten yourself, the rest is cake. The truth is, the vast majority of people are so concerned with how others see them that they will accept the image you project.

The other side of Gene's many conquests coin is that he sees every woman as beautiful. If you ask him if he has ever seen an ugly woman, he will say "no".

The demon bat from Hell is also unabashedly materialistic. He uses his greed. He realizes that there is absolutely no reason anyone should be ashamed of his or her success. The herd has never learned this. Charity organizations grow fat off of the guilty fat of the land. It is ingrained into society that the love of money is the root of evil. It is not. If you have earned the chicken, you are the only one who has the right to eat it down to the bone.

Gene also knows that the life of the rock star is best enjoyed in one's right mind. He does not drink. He has never used recreational drugs, to the best of my limited knowledge. He does not smoke. Yes, I enjoy the voice of Ozzy Osbourne; but, I was often ashamed to be of the same species with someone who tried to find out how much shit he could pack into his body, and still doter on. The spoils can only be enjoyed if you are around long enough to enjoy them.

I have also noticed that Mr. Simmons surrounds himself with people who love him. I am going to make a statement that may, or may not, go over well. The Satanic life requires a solid foundation. Whether we consider ourselves social or not, we all have our own unique needs. If your foundation is solid without a love interest, this may not apply to you. But if not…and I readily confess that I am one who has that need, we do well to keep those meaningful relationships close. There are times I find compromise beneficial in meeting my needs and desires. Stubbornness will assure the only dates I get are with Hanna and her five sisters. That does not even consider my emotional needs. On the other hand, there have been relationships in which I was lonelier when I was with the person than not. It was better when I cut those off, and spent quality time in solitude. But still, I found the occasional camaraderie to be beneficial. It was up to me to see those needs met.

The bass player for Kiss is, above all else, a master at selling himself. I grew up listening to him. I still listen to him. I will probably always enjoy listening to Kiss. Guess what? Their music is mediocre, at best. But he turns it into one big party. He is selling an image. Gene Simmons may be, either knowingly, or unknowingly, one of the greatest magicians I have ever witnessed. A man takes inferior music, cheesy stage antics and a big ass bag of "I know exactly what I want, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to get it", and you have a great success story. Pure magic…a true rock star. The power of mental, emotional and physical focus is great. The ability to stay the course is key. Those qualities can turn anyone into a rock star, or to feel like one.

Now…I cannot promise that you will end up with a babe as hot as Shannon; but there is a lot to learn about the power confidence, sexuality and sobriety to be had.

Now…where did I put that Love Gun album?

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