torsdag 14. januar 2010

Creatures of habit.

Human beings are creatures of habit. While each person comes in a different size, shape, form, etc., the one common variable is that, no matter what changes or variations may appear, he or she will usually gravitate to the things they are familiar with or are used to.

It is the majority of the herd who are driven by mere impulse, and poor use of judgment. Those who shoot themselves in the foot by making their choices and decisions out of what others are doing, or what is fed to them from the media. Once such non-individuals dig themselves into this rut of a routine, their chances of trying anything different (for their own benefit, as well as the logical decrease of inconvenience) vanish for good.

Think of the many people who travel to large chain retail department stores in December for Xmas shopping. It is because they masochistically put themselves in the situation to want to be stuck in traffic, deal with pitiful drivers, and be cramped up in large crowds. It's because they don't care about wasting gas in a traffic jam, potentially starting fights with others in jammed intersections or condensed parking lots, or even trampling another human being to death just so he or she can get into the store on time for the "10 minute, 10 percent off" sale.

All because it's "something that we've done every single year", or it's "holiday season". Failing to realize that good pre-planning (or better execution of obtaining a list of goods before the big Holiday Rush) can save an abundance of hassle or turmoil is a common flaw of the average herdling creature. They are just driven by the sounds of annual music ringing throughout the airwaves, as well as the commercials on TV complete with glowing lights around the percentage that he/she can save on the latest product (without knowing how much money is actually being spent on what is, usually, a piece of disposable garbage).

Examples are certainly not limited to the previous I've mentioned above. It also carries over into the arenas of food and health as well. Many people will eat anything as long as they're told "it tastes good", without regard of any personal choice or thought in the process. And once he or she is "hooked" on a favorite (addicted should be a better choice of word), then hell forbid if any other options, suggesstions, or changes should come along; if it interferes with their old favorite dish, it will be (most likely) left out by the wayside.

Is being a creature of habit necessarily a bad thing? Well, if you happily realize that your actions are determined by going with the steady flow or engaging in a particular routine without any questions, then no. Keep the habits going steady! Those in any market (be it clothing, entertainment, food/drink, tobacco, etc.) who want nothing more than to take advantage of your habits (as well as burn a hole in your pocket) will be patiently, quietly, yet boldly waiting for your kind to line-up at the front door.

It's not only evident in the places frequented, but also in the styles of clothing worn, activities engaged in, destinations traveled to, the lifestyle and occupation followed, literature read, movies watched, music listened to, food and drink consumed, and people associated with. While many will scream "this is not true", what they forget is that they themselves can hardly ever accept any genuine change (be it subtle or drastic) in behavior, routine, or action in any given situation.

Realizing that you, the reader with Satanic perspective, may be a creature of any particular habit at any point, what separates you from the dullards of society is your self-awareness and self-control of your habits. You act based not only on your gut feeling or emotional state, but with keen and rational thought to accompany your intuition. You may also realize that you are not a slave to your habits and that you are able to, at the very least, deal with and adapt to any of the changes that come your way (even if you don't necessarily like the changes). Finally, you are more adept to making and breaking your own habits, realizing that the overall responsibility is in your (and only your) hands.

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