lørdag 2. januar 2010

You dont get it.

I regret to inform you but you don't get it. And you probably never will.

Keep that last sentence in the back of your mind.

It can take a lifetime for someone like yourself to try and understand every single other being on the planet. Sometimes you'll be better off repeatedly bashing your own head against a brick wall. Other times you just may get a glimpse of understanding from another person. But at the end of the day, what do you learn from it? Probably nothing.

You're set in your own ways, whether you like it or not. You'll only see in other people what you WANT to see and what you WANT to think of others based on your impressions, assumptions, conclusions, and random outside influences. You'll do everything possible to act as if you really give a shit about the trials and tribulations of your fellow friends, casual acquaintances, work buddies....but honestly, you don't. You're just out to obtain as much information about others as possible, for your own personal enjoyment, entertainment, or warped fascination shrink-wrapped up in jealousy.

When anyone does something that you find out of your norm, you just can't take it. If you're not openly criticizing them or retardedly asking 100 questions about the reasons why he/she takes the actions he/she takes, then you're probably playing stupid little mind games and behaving in subtle ways to let him/her know that you, deep down, have no consideration or respect for them. You'll only come out and speak your mind in a clear, concise, and mature manner if, and only if, it's at your own convenience. Otherwise, you resort to ranting and raving, gossiping, whispering, backstabbing, or just pure old fashioned dominance games just to throw jabs and get your digs in whenever you have the chance.

Many people never think outside their box. If they do, they'll jump right back into the box as quick as they peeked out for a second. Insecurity, indecisiveness, zero integrity, and pure old fashioned ignorance are many reasons why many remain trapped in their box for the rest of their life. The worst part is that they may settle for their place in life, and choose to always remain within that tiny, poorly scoped dimension just to remain safe from ostracization, critique, opposition, or ridicule. And yet, paradoxically, these are generally the same people in life that stress values such as "community", "working together", "equality", "tolerance", "acceptance", etc. Similar to what I've said previously, all of these things are looked upon favoribly by many people.....at their own convenience of course. If it's out of their convenience, they'll huddle together and attempt to think for each other. In other words, when it comes to treating other human beings, they want to wear the "good-guy" badge and get along with all, but also want the convenience to make up their own standards as they go along, picking their scapegoats, martyrs, pillars, undesirables, and idols.

You may find yourself right smack in the middle of this category. It doesn't matter how or why you ended up this way.......but the main point is that you just don't get it.

One of the following reasons may very well be possible:

- You don't understand that you may not be thinking for yourself, but letting others do your thinking for you.
- You really can't fathom others marching to the beat of a different drummer. It boggles your mind.
- You don't know how to wisely discriminate between the cream of the crop from the scum at the bottom of the sink.
- You're secretly jealous or disgruntled of your own flaws, short-comings, and lack of sound judgment that you have to take it out on anyone else who seems to "stick out like a sore thumb" in your eyes.
- You're afraid to challenge your own positions on different matters. Afraid to ask yourself "what if I'm wrong" or "what if I reconsidered taking a deeper look at my own position, and consider other possible stance even if I don't have to inevitably fall into 100% equal agreement with it? Granted, nothing is truly of equal value or at an equal level. But poor judgment leads to dull and lazy thinking, which usually results in putting more credence into the thoughts and whms of others who also don't have a sound perception of life as it is. Therefore, you're a creature of habit (know it or not) but don't take any steps to change it.

You don't get it. You couldn't even if you tried. Then again, I haven't really seen you try very hard at anything in the first place.

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