søndag 25. januar 2009

An open letter to Christian Drive-By Posters.

We have all seen them. In any forum that dares not be Christian, the Christian drive-by poster is not far behind. It is easy to dismiss this as the height of rudeness, which it is. But, it occurs to me that such behavior is also against the very creed these ambushers claim to hold dear. Do they not have examples of shaking the dust from their feet, and not casting pearls before swine?

I wrote the following open letter to such misdirected individuals, using their own language. The ideas are not my own. I have used their ideology as a backdrop.

If you have ever been annoyed by such stupidity, you may enjoy reading this. Without further ado, I present…


Have you ever gotten lost in the woods? I have...on several occasions. Many have been the times that I went on for, what seemed, hours. I was convinced that the great distanced covered guaranteed I was moving closer to my destination.

Sadly, I often found familiar points of interest, realizing that I had wasted much time and energy, only to stand on the same ground I had started from. Drive by poster, you are lost. You are lost in the woods, and you are standing on the same plot of ground you were standing on the first day you posted here.

I tell you this, because my God frowns upon my wasting time. My God wants me to use my time wisely, so that I can become all that my potential will allow. I would assume that your God feels the same way. Perhaps your God has lower expectations of you than mine does of me. I really do not know. But, if Jesus went to all of the trouble to crawl his way out of Hell, it seems a waste of his blood for you to spend your time where you are not wanted. You have become a monkey for our amusement. What kind of testament is that for someone whom the Almighty has redeemed? Are you not casting your pearls before swine? While it appears to me that you are slinging shit before steeds, I will not quibble concerning animal type. How will you feel when you stand face to face before your God? I know that I can stand tall when I face mine. I saw him today, when I looked in the mirror. How about you?

Go! Shake the dust from your sandaled foot. Be not found in the house of mockers. No one is deceived by your deceptive words. You are an empty shell. You find yourself so unworthy that you must fawn before the rotted feet of a long dead god. By your own admission, you are an unworthy whelp. I find your kind beneath my contempt. Speaking from one side about how unworthy you are, and gloating in your superiority from the other. You are a liar.

Go away. We have heard the clucking of the loons before. You are not any different. You will earn no brownie points by hiding behind a screen name and typing banalities.

Just go away.

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