onsdag 21. januar 2009

Satan Helps those who help themself.

It remains a common misconception that the Satanist lives in a state of reluctance when it comes to helping others. It is not so much that we Satanists begrudgingly help people in need of our assistance, but rather that we carefully discriminate to decide exactly who is worthy of our help. Why should I help someone that will not — or sometimes cannot — help themselves when there are many deserving people involved in my life who are benefiting me in some way and are striving to succeed?

The short answer is that I shouldn't, and if I can prevent it, I won't.

Wasting one's time on the dross in society is a seemingly Christian concept and is repugnant in every form. Satan supports achievers and hard-grafters: those wonderful individuals who either achieve, or endeavour to achieve, putting in every ounce of effort they can muster. These people are, in a way, part of our tribe, and it is they who will benefit from my time and resources.

There is another facet to this question of exactly who is worthy and who is not:


Take the saviour of Africa, Sir Bob Geldof as possibly the best example. What Sir Bob continually fails to recognise, is that regardless of who is to blame for the dire state of affairs many Africans are faced with, he and his army of lefties are actually creating more pain and suffering with their efforts to throw cash at a deteriorating situation. The original Live Aid in the 80's witnessed musicians from all over the world gathering in many different countries to put on a show, raising funds to feed starving Africans, resulting in more dying folk than ever before. Africa is a climate riddled with skirmish and poverty and many of the affected have little or no education, creating a situation where they are in no position to contribute anything to the world aside from starving babies.

If this sounds harsh, it probably is. But, too much of the wrong sort of help is stifling the progression of the human race.

As I have said, I understand the complexities of assessing where the blame lies, but the bottom line is that by funding these unfortunate people, temporarily feeding them with western money in a weak attempt to offer some form of compensation, those nature would have killed off naturally are able to survive and reproduce.

And what has happened 20 years after the event? Well, you now have many more mouths to feed and the funds have run-out. Geldof's answer to this escalated problem? Hold another concert! Moron! I say let nature take its course. The current generation would die out to a level where their sun-scorched, war torn continent could support the next generation without constant funding from westerners.

I am of the opinion that larger contexts ALWAYS subsume smaller contexts. This simple law suggests that helping local villagers is irrelevant and pointless if the larger political structure is likely to undo the good done sooner or later. Like a drug addict who also ingests vitamin tablets in hope of combating the harm done to his body by his drug habit, logic says he would be better off quitting the drugs.

The historic situation in Madagascar shows that the best, simplest, easiest and most cost effective way to effect positive change for those truly innocent of blame and helpless in the face of disaster is a simple change in leadership and attendant change in political philosophy.

For decades Madagascar was run by a highly corrupt Marxist dictator named Ratsiraka.

The French colonialists had achieved a great deal over a century of mildly oppressive rule, such as roads, airports, schools and power plants. The basic infrastructure withered and decayed quickly under Ratsiraka.

Eventually, Ratsiraka was replaced in a bloodless coup (a result of a rigged election he fairly won but was told he lost) by a fervently pro-capitalist, pro-business, pro-free market politician named Ravalomanana. He has since put rebuilding Madagascar's infrastructure far ahead of hand-outs for the poor, with the result that Madagascar has the brightest future of any country on the Bottom 20 of the UN Quality of Life List.

My point is that by removing the inept (although friendly to the West) scumbags in charge of Africa, replacing them with pro-business, pro-capitalist, 'friendly to the West' leaders, only then will Africans have a chance of turning things around.

Taking all this into account, the Africa scenario is a classic example of how those who cannot help themselves, are not necessarily benefiting from our help (and in this specific case shouldn't be helped until the political climate of their continent is 'fixed').

Moving on, a sound example of those who should receive no help based on the fact they the will not help themselves are almost all thinkable examples of criminal. Thanks to the Christians, we live in a culture that champions rehabilitation, overlooking fitting punishment. Why should we help those who would have a negative impact on our lives and the lives of those we care about? Specimens of human garbage should be treated as such. Governments should either put them to work or dispose of them by other means. A friend of mine once suggested medical testing on the more serious offenders: An idea I like very much. I refuse to give credence to the notion that criminals are worthy of my help and I'm pretty pissed-off that my compulsory taxes work to proliferate examples of this abuse of human decency.

The final example I wish to focus on in this essay are the world's benefit cheats. I used to work for a large financial institution, and while in the work's canteen one day, I overheard two female employees discussing how one of them had a child and how the money paid to her by the government child would overtake her salary should she become pregnant again. She then went on to explain how she was persistently and intentionally piercing her partners condoms in hope of tricking him into fathering another fund-raiser.

The sad thing is this must happen a lot. The benefit system is regularly raped by the lazy at the tax-payers expense. Whilst I am sure that there are those deserving of help from government, I am also convinced that it is far too easy to abuse this system.

I have learnt that it is most important to look after yourself, your loved ones and those who you respect, and fuck the rest! If mankind observed this simple rule as I do, the weak and/or insignificant could possibly even die out, and evolution could potentially speed up.

The idea that everything and everyone is deserving of help and compassion on some level seems to be ingrained in modern human behaviour, but the clear truth is that the majority of humans have got this one wrong.

It's time for people to wise up, or stay in this perpetual state of mass-ignorance at mankind's peril.

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