torsdag 16. april 2009

Are Freemasons Satanists?

Are Freemasons Satanist? That is a question I have been asked and even had some demand it to be true and I am a little tired of it. I know all of you already know the answer to this question but I just have to get it off my chest so here is an essay I wrote about the differences between Freemasonry and Satanism.

Freemasons, where did they come from? What do they believe in? Do they control the world? Do they have a secret alliance with Satan? Are they Satanist? These are questions that many ask and never truly answer. Most seem to just make up with false accusations. I have heard tall tales about them being devil worshippers and them being in control of the entire world. To me these outlandish claims are just stupid attempts to put labels on things they do not understand nor even try to understand.

Are Freemasons the enemy? Not to me and not to most. But to some right wing extremist religions they are. The Catholic Church hates them (no surprise there, the freemasons were a group founded on hiding from and surviving the Catholics.), even the kind and caring protestants hate them. Why do all these spiritual religions hate the Masons? Because of what they stand for (Besides, religions hate each other because they all seek the same thing, power).

The Freemason beliefs are of self-improvement. They recognize that if man wishes to be successful and to survive in life he must constantly strive for improvement. They believe in science and technology and their advancement. These things in my opinion are satanic in nature and they embrace them instead of reject them. The masons understand the importance of rituals and ceremonies. The dogma that they conduct in their lodges is to install a sense of pride in their selected masonry and traditions. The degrees they give are only offered to those who prove themselves successful in the lodge and the real world. (Most mason lodges have three degrees while the famous Scottish Rite - a concordant organization, which is part of the 'Masonic family' - has an degree system consisting of thirty-two degrees.) That to me is satanic.

It is true that their rituals are used more towards installing an unbreakable law and a secret "brotherhood" mentality. They see life as the survival of the group and not as survival of the individual, which I personally disagree with. But they understand that the magic involved in their rituals has the power to control and to motivate. Some of the creeds they speak in their ceremonies have words of extreme punishment and deeply embedded historical information. They use these things to make an attitude of secrecy and control. A useful tool that they have learned over a period of four hundred or even six hundred years.

Membership into a mason lodge is of own free will. "Be he a free man or be he born to a free mother." Is one of their requirements (An old rule that was applied back in the medieval ages when not many men were free. Of course in this day in age every man is free, or so he thinks.) "He must believe in a Supreme Being and be a man of faith" is another one of their rules. They believe that every man has the right to believe in their own vision of the Supreme Being, be it Christianity, Muslim, Buddhist, Mormon, and so on. But he must have faith in some form of superior entity other than himself. For they do not believe the word of an atheist. How can a man who has no alliance with a god be trusted? If he has no faith than they have no faith in his obedience of his oaths. Every ignorant in my mind. I have more "faith" in a man that believes in himself than a man that lets fate and some form of god protect him. I disagree with this part of masonry.

Someone might want to argue that Satan could be considered "Supreme", the fact of the matter is that the entire process of application would discourage someone with behavior which is so deviate from societal norms (It depends on what Satan represents to him. If he actually believes in some being in material form craving souls than this would be true). Besides who would want a devil worshipper in their organization when he is just looking for a label for himself and wants to be the bad guy of the world. An idiot that wants that kind of attention will also use Freemasonry as an attention getter as well (not to mention Satanism for that matter). But let's examine this further: would a person who might enjoy blaspheming God (I use this word to describe one's non-belief of god) want to join a group which has an open Bible (or a Koran) on the Altar in the center of the Lodge room? Would a person who would debase Deity feel comfortable around a group of men, nearly all of whom were active in the practice of their faith? The only answer is - of course not! I may have friends that are Freemasons but I would not join their lodges and take part in something I have no found belief in. The bottom line: Freemasonry has nothing whatsoever to do with Satanism. PERIOD! End of Discussion!!! Not that some of the Freemason's ideas are not the same as a Satanist but they are both two different beasts - two separate beliefs.

The Pentagram or five-pointed star is, of course, both a Masonic symbol and the ancient symbol of witchcraft. With its point facing down (or south, when placed on the ground) it is especially associated with Satanism. Satanists can be found wearing the inverted pentagram frequently; and it appears on the cover of many black magic books, including THE SATANIC BIBLE. In this form, it is also the emblem of the Eastern Star, the women's Masonic organization. *

The symbol that the Freemasons use is a compass and ruler with the letter G in the center. The compass and ruler are found in the tools of a stone mason and the letter G stand for geometry. The symbol is to believe to be taken from the Seal of Solomon which looks like the Star of David but one of the triangles is colored in with black. It is not the same as a pentagram; in fact it is far from it. As for the women's Masonic symbol is a total different story since Masonic religion is mainly a club for men.

I do not remember where I found this quote and nor do I remember who spoke it but it pissed me off when I first read it. Freemasonry and Satanism are two separate religions. Some of their philosophy is in common but to say Freemasons and Satanist are the same is stupid. As I have said above their rituals, their love for science and technologies, and their self-improvement is satanic in nature but their motives are not. So let's make it clear right here: Freemasons have nothing - absolutely nothing - to do with Satanism.

With their openness of religion and not ostracizing people based on their gods makes them a wiser group than most would give them credit. Sure I disagree with their God and group mentality but with their attitude of no organized religious authority should be allowed to control your life and your beliefs I tend to like them. Most of History's best men and women were Freemasons, and they have all made grand contribution to our world and development. Sure they are devoted to their gods and beliefs but I will thank them for creating (or making contributions to) a society were if a person so chooses he can truly become an individual and be free.

Freemasonry has played a significant role in the history of politics, so it influenced most or all of our leaders in the world. Some Presidents and/or Prime Ministers who were Freemasons were great, some failures, and some average. Presidents/Prime Ministers have spoken of Freemasonry's good work on behalf of charity and helping others (promoting their own agendas). As an american example, George Washington and Theodore Roosevelt also spoke of Freemasonry as an institution that teaches us how to get along in society, with respect for the equality of everyone (a far fetched idea that will truly never happen and I for one don't really wish to see), tolerance of differences among people (now I can respect people's differences but only if it doesn't interfere with my way of life), and taking action for that which is right.

Many also claim that they control the world. They say that they are the cardholders and card players of some secret world control. To them I say: stop with all the silly logic. I agree they have connections to government officials, politicians, the media, and some companies' CEOs. But so do many, many other groups. Do you really think they are the only ones who have that kind of connections? Please. There are thousands of religions, movements, and organizations that have connections and they are all fighting for their piece of the world. Look at groups like Al Qaeda, Scientology, Skull N Cross Bones, Catholic Church, all the Mafias, Socialism, Communism, Fascism, and so many more and their all fighting to have some control, some type of future. (As I see it, Satanists are smarter than to destroy ourselves in this stupidity. We can control our lives and futures by taking care of ourselves and letting these groups kill each other.)

To close this essay with saying that Freemasonry has some satanic ideas and so do many other past and present groups do/did. Freemasons are another god-based religion. One I have a little more respect for. Not just for their practices but also their history. From the fall of the Knights of Templar, to the Peasant Rebellion of 1381, to the Revolutionary War, and to WWII. It is amazing how they have survived, influenced, and it's interesting what they teach as well.
But i am reaching the end of this essays, as now it's my time to shine, survive and live.

Now to sum up all this jibberish. Freemasons are not Satanist. It's that simple.

Thanks for reading.

Hail Satan

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