torsdag 23. april 2009

Revenge IS Productive.

Revenge is probably a word misunderstood, due to it's prominent use in mainstream media. Whenever someone is out to take revenge in the movies, usually, it is because Thunder Leg of the Four Fist Clan killed their master, and they must kill Him to return the favor.
Or, somebodies father was killed, and they have sworn to take revenge.

All revenge is, however, is a retalliation against an
individual or a group who has wronged you.
So, where the hell does it say that revenge must entail PHYSICAL HARM? That is the general misconception these dopes seem to have.
If someone calls you a dink, you punch his lights out! Revenge, right?


Satanists also follow Lex Talionis; an eye for an eye, the punishment should fit
the crime. So if someone calls you a dink, you call him a dink right back. (I understand this is wrong, I am just citing the most inane example I can think of for the sake of utter simplicity.)

He who turns the other cheek is a cowardly dog.
This is true for many reasons.

Likely, the person seeking to harm you is an enemy. If they don't look it, fine, they are still an enemy, simply posing as something otherwise. If they harm you in some way, and you do NOT seek revenge, what will happen to you?

Ever heard of giving an inch, taking a mile?

People have a hard time "stopping." Whether it is that crack addict who needs another hit, the alcoholic who needs just one more drink, or the fatty who needs just one more chip, you can cite a thousand examples of this.
People driven by compulsion, not indulgence.
Do you think that if you let old Billy two thumbs punch you in the face, and then act apologetic or don't do anything in return, that he is going to stop? Maybe in some idealistic fantasy world, but what about the real world?

Fuck no.

It won't stop. It will never stop. If a person has been able to drag up the "guts" to harm you in the first place, what the fuck is going to make them change their mind after the first time? If they see they can "get away" with it, by Their logic, why would they NOT pursue, and damage you further?

Self-preservation is the Highest law. The HIGHEST.
So why forgo that law in the name of mercy, or in trust?
Why would you trust someone doing this in the first place?

The Satanist is not a fool. He is clever, sneaky, full of guile. The Satanist follows the law, and would not put him or herself at risk of breaking this law, and being thrown in a cell himself.
So by this logic, for a Satanist to beat the shit out of someone, or even kill them, out of the name of revenge, would make them a pretty piss-poor Satanist, at best.
The point is, he is smarter then this, will find ways, whether it be using the law, or humiliation, or any other tactic to completely Destroy the enemy...without having to destroy their body.
That is real power. Anyone can pick up a club, and smash the skull of a passerby in through his brain. To scramble that same persons brain using no physical means or tools? That is truly a mastery in
itslef...and far more effective in the long run, for the Satanist; he gets to continue to live his life.

The Satanist is, should be, at the top of the food chain concerning the rest of the humans he walks amongst.
He is the devourer, not the food. This magician establishes
this daily with the folks he encounters, using his "magic" to
manipulate the weak to do his bidding. He establishes this relationship through his words and his actions.
To be prayed upon by a criminal, by a that which is the Lowest of to become food.
The weak are strong in number, and they can still attack the strong, but it is up to the good Satanist to put them into their place, to Teach Them where they really belong, and to make sure they don't make the same mistake in the future.
The Satanist is protecting himself from them, and inadvertantly, anyone else in the future who the scum would have tried to do the same thing to.

A member of the Hierarchy recently pointed me in the direction of a book called, the 48 Laws Of Power.

Law 15, Crush your enemy totally.

"More is lost through stopping halfway than through total annihilation: The enemy will recover, and will seek revenge."

The intelligent Satanist, he who seeks revenge, who enacts revenge, would be very wise to keep this in mind. Revenge cannot be a half-hearted act. Not only is seeking revenge Necessary, but the extent to which it must be sought is important to establish as well. The answer, as is obvious, is to the Full Extent.

This is getting rather long. Keep in mind, the context of the offending act is important to recognize. If someone yells "fuck you" out of their car window as they drive by, this probably is not a good reason to go seeking revenge.
Be realistic. If someone is putting you at great physical risk, and it is possible to do so, a wise choice would be getting the law involved, and prosecuting that person...restraining orders, the whole bit.

That is just my two cents about this topic. The bottom line being, revenge is certainly Not "counter-productive."

On a sidenote, I want to establish that I would sooner Avoid said
conflicts then have to deal with them. For many, they live in a
situation where calling themselves a Satanist is not detrimental to
their lives in anyway. For others, like myself, this is probably not the case. Wearing many many different masks is of great importance for a Satanist as well, blending in with others as a chameleon would. It is possible for a person to go their entire lives without having to seek any kind of revenge (I have done pretty good so far, concerning that.)
but it is generally unlikely.

Also, revenge can take many many forms.
If I were to touch up on All of them, this bloody essay would
take a day and a half to read, but there are plenty of ways to catch a fly.

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