søndag 5. april 2009

Enlightment and Half Truths.

A certain student was on the road; and, he saw coming toward him a teacher of renown. Slung over his shoulder was a weighty sack, slowing his progress. The student decided to seize the opportunity, and asked the teacher to describe enlightenment.

The teacher put down the heavy sack, allowed a look of sheer joy to take over his face, and danced around in what can only be described as ecstasy. It brought goose bumps to the student. He wanted nothing more than to learn further. What comes next, questioned the student; at which point the teacher picked up his sack, and resumed his journey, leaving only the memory of his euphoric visage.

I can distinctly remember certain moments in my life when I experienced certain key realizations. The first was when I realized that there was no great cosmic judge who was watching my every move, and waiting with exasperating patience as I made my way toward the grave, chomping at the bit to mete out judgment on every decision I had ever made, both great and small. Though the truth of this matter may be a point of debate, it was then that I lost the Great Fear. Death was no longer a specter to be feared. Instead, it became the great enemy. The feeling of relief cannot be described. Once the fulcrum of angst has been seen through, the smaller anxieties lose their punch.

Some time later, I began to study ethics, and became interested in Amorality. When it became more than academics, and the reality that all laws, morals and rules were artificial, and could be traced back to particular times, I experienced a further moment of freedom that could felt on a visceral level. It was heady.

No laws, no rules, no barriers. I knew for the first time what it was to walk among the herd; my feet untouched by the muck, and mired refuse it produced. I was free! My own man! Master of my own ship! I had no one to answer to, save myself. This can only be experienced, as words fail to describe it.

As great an enlightenment as that was, it was only half the truth. After that moment of ecstasy, a great weight finally put down, it was time to pick it back up, and continue on my way. Though I had been forever changed, my walk appears to be that of an ordinary, law-abiding citizen. Hidden away is my freedom. To think that, just because all laws, rules and restrictions are man-made; and, that, because I have an understanding of that, I can do what I want, when I want in any way I want; and, that I should expect to get away with it, is delusional. I live in the real world; with real officers carrying real guns that are ready, willing and able to show me what happens to half assed philosophers.

A Satanist lives a life of responsible indulgence. I will probably play that note time and time again, because for me, those two words encapsulate the satanic philosophy. Realizing that you are your own God, and thinking that means you can do whatever you want is to realize a half-truth. Enlightenment is great. It is also a dime a dozen, and useless if it does not work.

Take every law that every individual who thinks they are special so they do not have to be effected by that law. Take every question of why should it be and why are you following the herd. Put them all in a bag, and say because you can..t have fun in prison, dumb ass. So what if laws are man made? Maybe there is a very good reason for them. Sure, it is nice feel above it all; but, I think most people who talk about how free they are, are just sheep who have jumped the fence. It is only a matter of time before their keepers catch up to them. Any satanic philosophy worth its salt will be practical. It will actually help you enjoy life, rather than being on the lamb. Sheep are sheep, even if they temporarily feel like they are free. We walk among them, but are not of them. We realize that freedom is working within the framework given.

I remember how good it felt to finally put down my bag of outmoded rules, fears and ought. I danced around, said isn't this grand, and picked up my bag of responsibility.

I'm still free.

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